§ 63G-6a-302. Chief procurement officer -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Authority.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The executive director of the Department of Administrative Services, with the consent of the governor, shall appoint the chief procurement officer after considering recommendations from the board.
    (2) The chief procurement officer shall:
    (a) have a minimum of eight years' experience in the large-scale procurement of supplies and services or services and construction, at least five years of which shall have been in public or comparable private procurement within 12 years preceding the date of appointment; and
    (b) be a person with demonstrated executive and organizational ability.
    (3) The chief procurement officer appointed under Subsection (1) is also the director of the Division of Purchasing and General Services.
    (4) The chief procurement officer has authority over a procurement by a procurement unit, except:
    (a) a procurement unit with independent procurement authority; or
    (b) as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 445, 2013 General Session